What factors support and promote home-based food-growing in four neighbourhoods in SW Sheffield?

Monday 4 May 2009

Ownership, Land, and Activism

Having land available to grow on is the biggest single factor encouraging food-growing amongst my cohort. The more land, the more likely they are to grow food. Where abundance of land and high levels of community involvement, whether social or activist, occur together, the most food is grown.

Those in my interviewed cohort who own their own homes are only 18% more likely to grow food. In the neighbourhoods with the least resources, students are providing much of the impetus toward activism, social interaction, and food-growing. An attempt should be made by permanent residents and landlords to welcome students and tenants into the neighbourhoods and to involve them in local activities. In reaching out to tenants and students, permanent residents should assist in gaining acceptance for gardening from landlords.

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