What factors support and promote home-based food-growing in four neighbourhoods in SW Sheffield?

Monday, 4 May 2009

Appendix #3

If you'd like to see a copy of the questionnaire, email me and I'll send you a pdf.

Subject interview request letter

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for returning the questionnaire I left with you. It has proven very helpful in my research. You indicated that you would be willing to participate in further research. I would like to interview you and assess your household. The assessment will involve taking some measurements, observations and possibly photographs. The interview should take no longer than 30 minutes. Both can take place at your convenience. As the interview will be recorded and transcribed, a quiet place will be needed for the interview. Alternately, we could meet at my home.
As with the questionnaire, all questions are optional. I will attempt to keep the interview sequential and will be working from a prepared list of questions. Please see a list of sample questions below and on the next page. I will tailor the questions to you from your questionnaire responses. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions and it is important that you give your true opinions. A brief follow up telephone interview is also requested for any additional clarification needed.
Though a general acknowledgment of assistance will be included in the finished thesis paper please be assured that you will not be personally identified by name or address. A summary of this research will be available to you if requested.
As with the questionnaire your support of this research is gratefully received.
Date and time of interview:
Please contact me if you need to change the date or time:
Robb Worthington
0114 266 3416
Sample Questions:
• can you estimate the percentage of your income you spend on food? Or give a monthly figure.
• Do you have the flexibility in your budget to handle rising food prices? Can you reapportion or make lifestyle changes to increase budget for food?
• If sourcing local and or organic food was easier and/or cheaper would you do more of it? why?
• why do you plan meals? why do you (don’t you) cook from fresh so much?
• is there a history of food growing in your family?
• If growing food became a priority do you see a way you could make the time for it?
• what is preventing you from getting an allotment? How much do you value getting one?
• do (would) you garden organically? why or why not?
• what would be the primary reason for you to grow food?
• what would be the best format for a free gardening class to take for you? daytime, evenings, weekend? internet based, distance learning, local hands on, classroom, some combination? what type of personal gardening training has been of the most value?
• How would you like to access free advice? internet, telephone, personal contact, home visit
Household/plot questions:
• Do you own this property? if not, is your landlord amenable to gardening?
• do you feel it’s possible to save money by growing any of your own food here?
• are you concerned about soil contamination?
• is gardening a skill you’d spend time perfecting? Would this change if food security became more of an issue?
Neighborhood/Community questions:
• How long have you lived in this neighborhood? How well do you know your neighbors? any that grow food?
• As an active grower, have you seen any evidence of an increase in growing in your neighborhood since you’ve been growing here? Have you actively supported any neighbors in growing?
• have your growing activities or interest in growing increased since your neighbors started growing food?
• Are you familiar with any neighborhood community activism here since you have lived here.
• Would you participate in neighborhood growing scheme? can I distribute your contact information to others in this neighborhood who feel the same?
• would you be interested in gardening in someone else’s yard?
• What value was your visit to a city farm? What should a city farm offer?
Policy and food security
• As a parent, or not, do you feel there should be council or national support for personal food growing as an issue of childrens health? what form should that support take?
• in general what should the local council do to foster and support food security? what should national government do?
• what would be the most valuable thing that could be offered to you to support your own food growing

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